GVU Center Distinguished Alum Brown Bag: Kathy Pham "Computing, Ethics and the Public Interest - What does this even mean?"


Come for a lively talk and discussion about computing, ethics, and the public interest. The talk will range from ethics and responsibility in computer science, to honoring expertise across disciplines, to applying computer science and engineering skills to the civic and public sector. Georgia Tech and the College of Computing prepared Kathy Pham for broad impact across large tech companies, government, and the public sector. This talk will touch on opportunities for deep impact in society using our computing skills, and the many different ways a degree from Georgia Tech lays a strong foundation for the impact. Kathy will pull from her experience at Google, IBM, and the White House, and share observations from the current landscape of computing, ethics, and the public interest. 

Speaker Bio:

Kathy Pham is a product leader, computer scientist, and founder who has held roles in product management, software engineering, data science, consulting, and leadership in the private, non-profit, and public sector. Her work has spanned Google, IBM, Harris Healthcare, and the federal government at the United States Digital Service at the White House, where she was a founding product and engineering member. She has founded the Ethical Tech Collective, Product and Society, Women in Product Boston, the Cancer Sidekick Foundation, Team Curious, and Unite for Sight Southeast. Kathy focuses on product, ethics, responsibility, and technology. 

At the Harvard Kennedy School, Kathy created and teaches Product Management and Society, and launched Product and Society. Kathy is an Affiliate at the Harvard Berkman Klein Center where she leads the Ethical Tech working group, and focuses on ethics in technology, with an emphasis on engineering culture and computer science curricula. She is also a Fellow at the Shorenstein Center, faculty affiliate at the Center for Research on Computation and Society (CRCS) at Harvard, faculty affiliate with Assembly:Disinformation, and Fellow at Mozilla partnering with Omidyar Network where she co-leads the Responsible Computer Science Challenge. As a 2018 fellow of the MIT Media Lab and Harvard Assembly, Kathy co-founded ai-in-the-loop focused on community inclusion in the development of Artificial Intelligence. 

Kathy has been recognized as First Lady Michelle Obama’s Guest to the State of the Union Address, a finalist in the StarCraft II After Hours Gaming League, an inductee of the Georgia Tech Greek Hall of Fame, and worldwide champion at the Imagine Cup Technology Competition.

Kathy holds a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, Georgia) and Supelec in (Metz, France). When not traveling or teaching, Kathy can be found checking surf reports along the New England coast.

Schedule of Brown Bag Speakers Fall 2019